So, leave it to me to set a goal to post everyday and totally skip the next day.
Totes classic Neely. My apologies (get used to it).
Ahem, anywho.
It's time for my first edition of what I'm calling {RRR}, which stands for Recipe Roundup & Review. It's my goal to crank out one of these for each week I'm on Whole30 (I'll tack those extra two days onto the last week), and then do one maybe monthly from then.
Sound fun? Wait - it gets better!
I want you to join in on this, peeps! Share your favorite new recipes, or maybe warn us of one that's not so bueno. Whatever the case, I want to hear from ya! If you have a blog, you can write something up and link it in the comments (feel free to use the graphic below, just link it all back up to this post so everyone knows where to go for more!). No blog? No problemo! Just leave a comment telling us what you ate, what you liked... you get the gist.
SO. Who's ready for Week 1? Let's do dis thang.
Monday: SC
Steak Taco Lettuce Wraps w/Guacamole
Lemon Rosemary Chicken w/Roasted Carrots & Potatoes
Bacon, Eggs, Potatoes
Thursday: Tomato
Dijon Turkey Meatballs w/Roasted Broccoli
Friday: SC
Creamy Chicken, Lemon & Kale Soup
Eggs (any
Roast Beef
Lettuce & Veggie Wraps, Tuna Salad w/Mustard &/or Homemade Mayo, Chipotle
Steak w/Guacamole
Fresh Fruit
& Veggies, Almonds, Boiled Eggs, Almond Butter, Raisins, Unsweetened
Applesauce w/Cinnamon, Smoothies
There wasn't really anything we made that first week that was a flop. Really. These are all REALLY good recipes! A few of our favorites were definitely the steak taco wraps (made for great lunch leftovers!), the lemon rosemary chicken (Daniel could've eaten the whole pan... and might've), the turkey meatballs (made them again tonight!), and even the pipsqueaks got down on the soup - kale and all! Anything else you see on the list was something I just made up as I went along. Want some pics? Okay, me too.
Lemon Rosemary Chicken w/roasted rainbow carrots and red potatoes. This was Daniel's favorite, by far. |
Chicken salad made with the leftover chicken I could wrangle from Daniel.
Homemade mayo made this insanely good! |
Bake an egg in an avocado half for 20 minutes at 450 degrees. Add crispy pancetta, chives, and hot sauce.
Eat. Then call me and thank me. (You're welcome, btw.) |
This was a Neely Original. I decided to shred up some potatoes and get them nice in crisp in a pan with ghee.
Then, I sautéed some onion, garlic, orange pepper, spinach, and added them to some scrambled eggs seasoned with
chili powder and cumin. Threw that on top of the hashbrowns and topped with avocado and tomato - voila!
I call them Southwest Scrambles. 'Cause CREATIVITY. |
This is my all-time favorite breakfast. Ever. For all time. Skillet eggs, ya'll! Basically, you want to sauté
some shallot, garlic, pancetta, and spinach. Then make two (or one - this was actually Daniel's breakfast. I can
only eat one!) wells in the spinach and crack your eggs into them. Then turn the heat down, cover, and poach
your eggs until your desired doneness. Don't forget salt & pepper! |
I LOVE these meatballs. I could eat, like, a bajillion of them. As for the veggies, anytime I say
"roasted whatever" it's usually the same drill. Oven at 400 degrees, toss everything in olive oil, season with
salt and pepper (and whatever else - this night I used Cavender's Greek Seasoning) and then spread on a
sheet pan and roast about 20 minutes, tossing the veggies around every 8 minutes or so. |
So. What did you eat last week? Did you like it? Hate it? Want to chuck your casserole dish out the window (been there, yo). Whatever the case, share it up down yonder in the comments! Got questions for me? Want more details about ingredients, preparation, whatever? Ask away, my friends!
I'll be back tomorrow with a little update on how I'm feeling after one solid week of this business. I've got some really exciting stuff to share with you, and some "not so fun" times to fess up to. Yippee!
Hey, want to keep up with what I'm making in real-time? Follow Paleo & Pipsqueaks on Facebook! I'm also all up in Instagram's beeswax all day long, posting pics of dang near everything that goes in my mouth. If that's your thang, follow me there! Like posting imaginary pins to cyberspace corkboards that don't really exist? Hey - ME TOO! Let's totes be besties over on my Whole30 Pinterest Board.