Hello, blogosphere! I guess the time has come for my to hurl myself into the online world and see what comes of it! Perhaps a bit about me would help to break the internet-ice. Here goes!
I'm a happily married mommy, having welcomed our little girl into the world this past June. I graduated college (while 8 months prego) with a very expensive, somewhat worthless degree in English. My hubby is CRAZY and decided to make school his entire life, and is now a music grad student and teacher at the University of Arkansas (WOO PIG SOOIE!). I teach pre-ballet and tap classes to the tiniest dancers at my mother's dance studio, am a licensced Kindermusik instructor, have a private voice studio, and teach music once a week at a private Christian school. We live in a small college town in Northeastern Oklahoma, and lead a generally quiet, pleasant life, filled with family, music, love, and lots of good eats.
I can sum myself up by listing my three great joys/passions: my family, food, and music. This blog will mainly focus on the biggie -- FOOD -- with a light sprinkling of everything else. Its not a stretch to say that I put more effort into food that anything else. I have a big, bright binder that holds my recipes (in a very orderly fashion, thanks to my obsessive tendencies) and the highlight of my weekend is Sunday, when I make the coveted "Thompson Family Menu" for the week and head out to gather my edible supplies. Ever heard the phrase "kid in a candy store"? I AM that kid whenever I am grocery shopping. I'm a freak - I love it. I even have dreams about grocery shopping.
The hilarious part is that I keep my culinary obsessions mostly under wraps. My "recipe binder" time is a something I look forward to and keep mostly to myself, and I definitely am not a food-bragger. Lately, however, my husband has been on me to try to "do something" with my hobby-cooking. So this is me. "Doing something". I'll share my weekly menus, post pics & recipes, divulge any and all awesome grocery store finds, and even blab about my personal life a bit. Ya know, to keep it interesting.
Oh, and I just happened to start blogging on a Tuesday, which is "Free Night" around here. The hubby is away at a night class so I get a night off from cooking, dishes - the whole deal. Time to go microwave a tortilla, dip it in salsa and call it dinner!
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