Sunday, May 18, 2014

Answer Me This! Beards & Bajas

If you've ever poked around on Kendra's Tierney's blog, Catholic All Year, it will come as no surprise that she is one of my all-time favorite bloggers.  Of all-time.  She's funny, stylish, her kids are adorable, she tells it like it is, has great ideas, and is such a wonderful example of what it means to be a Catholic mom living in a society where homemaking, homeschooling, and practicing our faith every day in every way is most definitely NOT the norm.  And she writes about it all so dang well.  Can I just be her when I grow up?  Okay, cool.

All that said, imagine my shock and horror when I saw that she actually tagged me in an "Answer Me This!" post and linked back to my post about Rosie's first birthday ... AND I  MISSED IT.  I had no clue.  One of my favorite bloggers actually mentioned me and I was totally oblivious.  Epic fail.  

So, in an attempt to redeem myself, I'm linking up over at my friend Haley's blog for Kendra's "Answer Me This!" series (she's being all cool and stuff and hanging out in France, so Haley's hosting this Sunday.)

I also promise to never miss another Sunday with Kendra.  
Unless I don't get around to it.  Which is totally possible.

1. What's the scariest thing that's ever been in your yard?

Hmm.  Well, there was a strange man (homeless? drunk? confused?) chilling on the front porch the morning of our wedding.  I wasn't there, but Daniel says he hit bricks pretty fast after seeing a bunch of dudes in tuxes coming out of the house.  Weird.

2. Beards.  Thumbs up or thumbs down?

Daniel has a beard and I love it, BUT he has to maintain it.  The above photo, while glorious in it's manliness, would make me nuts if I was that guy's wife.  Daniel has a little trimmer thingymajiggy and he has to keep that mess in check or it's game-over for me.  

3. If stuff breaks, can you fix it?

I am the resident putter-togetherer, fixer, tinkerer, and general handywoman of our household.  My husband is one of the smartest people I've ever met, but bless his heart he is not the best with "around the house" chores.  It doesn't bother me much, though - I really enjoy the challenge of putting together a new piece of furniture or taking apart the shower to figure out why only cold water is coming out (true story, and I totally figured that one out.  Boom!)

4. What was your first car?

Ahhh... the Baja.  Let's see if I can get through this without tears.  My first car was a white Ford Escort, circa 2000.  I will never forget the cow-print seat covers (with matching steering wheel cover!) and Powerpuff Girl floor mats, or the gnarled mess of mardi gras beads and rosaries hanging from the rear-view mirror.  It was wrecked, rebuilt, stolen then found abandoned on the side of the road and returned to me, then finally bit the dust one hot summer in the middle-of-nowhere-Oklahoma while I was visiting a friend at his lake house.  I had to scrap it for $250.  That was one of the saddest days of my life.  RIP, little Baja.

5. How often do you eat out?

Pretty much never.  Every once in awhile, Daniel will grab us something to-go and we'll eat it here.  We're serious homebodies and would rather eat in the comfort of our own home than go pay a bunch of money to be around other people we don't know while trying to wrangle our two toddlers.  Plus, who wants to be bothered with putting on real clothes and whatnot?  (Don't we sound like fun? You totally wanna be friends with us now, huh?)

6. Why is your hair like that?

My hair is pretty sad right now.  I keep it colored (at home boxed color - classy!) but I haven't had it cut since LAST July.  My friend Andi is an amazing hair dresser and I just haven't worked up the guts to try someone new since we moved to Florida last August.  I'm actually waiting until we go back home for a visit in a few weeks so she can give me a haircut.  Insane?  Maybe.  But my hair will be banging at least once a year.

SO there it is.  6 things you never knew you didn't want to know about me, but now you do anyway. 

You're welcome. ;)


  1. I just found your blog because of this link-up. I totally agree about the out of control beards on my own husband. BUT, on one of my brothers, they just crack me up :-) Also, I love the names of your daughters! So delightful.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Anastasia! And yes, crazy beards are hilarious... as long as I don't have to kiss the face they belong to!! :)
