Friday, January 31, 2014

Seven Quick Takes: Vol. 3: That Time I Didn't Write Anything For Three Weeks

 7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes about recording things in hot cars, impending gala fails, and barely surviving the week

Its been quiet on the old bloggerooski lately, so here's some tidbits to get ya caught up...


Okay, so remember when I was all whiny about a cold?  Well, that cold has been hanging around.  Over the last three weeks, it has morphed into a sore throat, ear pain, coughing, tummy problems, etc.  Its like, the all-encompassing sickness that never ends, ya'll.  Plus, a lot of the mommies and babies in our Tuesday Morning Play 'n' Pray group came down with a yucky stomach bug, so its basically a big ol'e germfest in our town right now.  Dontcha just love this time of year??  Bleck.


I don't mean to brag, but I  make a mean pancake.  My family demands them at least one weekend morning, and its always fun when I add stuff like sprinkles... and ears.  I'm all about convenience, but I really can't understand why anyone would ever use pancake mix out of a box (YUCK) when its so insanely easy to whip them up from scratch.  Here's how I do it:

Whatcha Need:
1 1/2 cups flour
3 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp white sugar (or more, if you like sweet pancakes)
1 1/2 cups milk
1 egg
1 tbsp melted butter
1 tbsp orange zest
splash of vanilla

Whatcha Do:
Mix all your dry ingredients in a large bowl.
In a smaller bowl, mix milk, egg, butter, orange zest, and vanilla.
Make a well in the middle of the dry ingredients and add wet mixture.
Mix until smooth.
Using 1/4 cup measure, drop batter onto a greased griddle/pan on medium high heat & brown on both sides.

BAM.  Best pancakes EVAHH!


I'm eating them again.  That is all. *hangs head in shame*


I love documentaries.  I love learning and love watching movies, so its perfect for me.  Since I've been under the weather, I found myself planted on the couch with Netflix a lot of the time.  While clicking around the documentaries, I found "It's A Girl!"  Let me tell you, it was a real eye-opener.  As a pro-life Catholic, I spend a lot of my time and energy praying for our country and an end to abortion here at home.  After watching this documentary, I realized that I really need to open up that prayer to include the disregard for human life that is happening all over the world, especially when it comes to girls and women.

In India, China and many other parts of the world today, girls are killed, aborted and abandoned simply because they are girls. The United Nations estimates as many as 200 million girls(1) are missing in the world today because of this so-called “gendercide”.
Girls who survive infancy are often subject to neglect, and many grow up to face extreme violence and even death at the hands of their own husbands or other family members.
The war against girls is rooted in centuries-old tradition and sustained by deeply ingrained cultural dynamics which, in combination with government policies, accelerate the elimination of girls.
Shot on location in India and China, It’s a Girl reveals the issue. It asks why this is happening, and why so little is being done to save girls and women.
The film tells the stories of abandoned and trafficked girls, of women who suffer extreme dowry-related violence, of brave mothers fighting to save their daughters’ lives, and of other mothers who would kill for a son. Global experts and grassroots activists put the stories in context and advocate different paths towards change, while collectively lamenting the lack of any truly effective action against this injustice.
- It's A Girl! Documentary Official Website

The film can be disturbing at times, but I really do recommend that you watch it if you get a chance.  Also, check out the website for ways you can take action against gendercide.  Of course, the first and most important thing we can do is pray, and pray hard.


Okay, I'm going to cheat now and fill the rest of my takes up with pics of my gorgeous kids.  I'm lazy and the girls are sleeping, which means I can watch the new episode of "The Spoils of Babylon" in peace, preferably while eating chocolate and not sharing it.  Muahahahaha!

Rosie, painting the fridge with some peanut butter.  I might add that the waffle was lifted from Big Sister's breakfast plate.  There is a waffle thief among us...
That's some pretty intense tooth-brushing, kid.  We take oral health seriously 'round these parts.
My ballerinas.  Olivia calls these their "dancin' dresses."  I'd prefer they not dance topless, but whadaya gonna do?

Well, that's it for this Friday, folks.  I have a couple of recipes coming up soon, so I'll see ya then! :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Souper Saturday: Easy Cheesy Taco Soup

Well, it was inevitable.  The plague has cursed the Thompson Manor.
Ok, so maybe its just a cold.
And maybe I'm the only one who has been stricken with said cold.
Really though, ya'll.  My poor, poor family.  Mama is not a good sick person.  I've spent the majority of the day planted on the couch, drinking iced tea and covered in dirty Kleenex (and trying to keep a certain one-year-old from eating the yucky Kleenex,) all while feeling fantastically sorry for myself.  Pity party for one?  Your couch is ready.
The one thing I did manage to do was drag my lifeless body into the kitchen and make dinner for my family.  They're always bothering me, that family.  Something about needing three meals a day.  Ugh.
This recipe is easy.  Like, too easy.  I actually shouldn't even tell you, because once you see how simple it really is, you'll stop thinking, "Oh, that poor, devoted wife and mother - slaving over a hot stove while sick to feed her family.  What love!  What selflessness!" 
Oh, you weren't thinking that at all?  Well, alrighty then.  Moving right along.

Easy Cheesy Taco Soup

Displaying photo 3.JPG
Cheesy, yummy bowl of deliciousness.

This stuff is good.  Like, SO good.  And the awesome part is you can top it with whatever you like on your tacos - avocado, back olives, fresh tomato, more cheese - the possibilities and flavor combos are endless!  We're still trying to keep it low-carb around here, so we omitted our usual crushed tortilla chips, but the shredded lettuce added that bit of "crunch" while the green onions were just extra yum sprinkled on top of what was already a bowl of steaming awesome.  I made this on the stovetop and it was ready in a flash, but you could also brown the meat, dump all this is a slow-cooker, and let it go for around 4-6 hours on low.  Easy recipes that can be made easier?  Winning!
I'm off to continue my intense wallowing while watching the Golden Globes.  I know I promised to share the flax seed meal pizza crust recipe with you guys, but I just don't have it in me tonight.  I promise it is coming soon!  OH, and Monday I get to share my exciting, fun, thanks-for-all-the-support surprise!  Don't miss it! :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

Seven Quick Takes, Vol. 2: That Time I Made a Cake and Didn't Eat It, Joined a Bookclub, and More

Linking up with Jennifer at


Imma start this off right by saying...
If you don't follow college football, you may not get it (or care, but too bad!)  This past Monday night, the Florida State Seminoles beat the Auburn War Eagles 34-31 at the BCS National Championship in Pasadena.  I didn't go to FSU and we aren't from Tallahassee, but we live here now and my husband both teaches and is a Doctoral student at the school.  FSU both pays our bills and takes all our money (how THAT works is a mystery of Higher Education.)  But, people... I'm not exaggerating when I say that it was THE most intense game I've ever watched on television.  My husband and I were yelling, jumping, falling down, doing the splits (ok, maybe not) -- you name it!  It was so crazy that, during one of my "jump up and act a fool" moments, Olivia became worried and asked, "Oh, what's wrong, Mommy??  You okay?"  Yes, dear, Mommy's fine.  Just having a mild heart attack.

*Also, a big shout out to Michigan State, who defeated Stanford 24-20 at the 100th Rose Bowl!  My Uncle, Todd Edwards, is their Director of Academic Services/Head Football Academic Coordinator.  (I like, know people and stuff.  No big deal.)  ;)

This is as messy as it got.  A far cry from the choc-splosion at Olivia's first birthday!

My littlest little turned ONE on Wednesday.  On Olivia's first birthday, I already knew that I was expecting again, so it really does feel like my baby isn't a baby anymore and now there's no more babies and WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITHOUT A BABY?!  *sigh*

Okay, that's enough of those crazy thoughts - let's talk cake!  Now, as much as I love being in the kitchen, I never claimed to be an expert baker.  Nothing comes out of the pan in one piece and everything leans a little to one side.

Preeeeetty much what every cake I've ever made looks like.

Its all just too precise for me.  When I'm making savory dishes, I just throw in a bit of this and a sprinkle of that and can make adjustments as I go.  With baking, you don't know its all gone to hell in a hand basket until you get your half-burned, didn't-rise, why-did-I-bother baked goods out of the oven.  Too late.  Game over.  SO, I was pretty stoked when this little baby came out lookin' so good.

  It was my first cake made completely from scratch (I even sifted stuff, ya'll.  And I am not a sifter.)  I got the cake recipe here, and the buttercream recipe here.  I carved the "1" out of a paper plate with a paring knife (I couldn't find any scissors, naturally) and used it as a stencil.  In summation: it was cute, people ate it, nobody died.  Win.


motherhood and jane austen image

I'm really excited about this one, you guys!  I found out about this on-line book club at one of my favorite blogs, Gidget Goes Home.  We'll be reading all of Jane Austen's novels and discussing our perspectives on the stories as mothers.  That last little bit is what stood out to me.  I've always been an Austen fan, and started reading her from an early age.  Since having my first child almost 3 years ago, I haven't revisited any of her work.  I'm interested to see how my views on certain characters and themes have changed since becoming a mother.  The book club spans the whole of 2014, with two months to read each novel.  The first is my favorite (probably because of the BBC miniseries & the Keira Knightly film,) Pride and Prejudice.

Photo: Hot raspberry-pomegranate tea and my new (GORGEOUS) copy of Pride and Prejudice.  A nice way to spend the girls' naptime, indeed. ☕️
My lovely new copy from Penguin and a cup of tea.  Deeee-vine.

Want to learn more?  Interested in jumping in?  Go check it out:


Just one...
A Warning:  If you happen to see me out and about, you may want to keep your distance.  I've been carbless (this includes wine, unfortunately) and sugar-free for almost five days now.  (Yeah, you remember that cake I was just talking about?  This lady didn't even get to eat the fruits of her all-afternoon labor.  Lame!) The first 3 days were pretty bad.  Okay, they were horrendous.  I was grumpy, tired, hungry, and generally felt like punching faces.  Then, like magic, I woke up yesterday and didn't immediately regret being awake!  I didn't snack, wasn't tired, and my husband didn't have to stand 5 feet away at all times.  I've also lost 4 pounds.  Positive progress!  My friend Jeni (over at Patron Saint of Poopy Diapers) is low-carbing it up, as well, which is really awesome and encouraging.  Plus, she is offering resources and advice, and I'm mostly just complaining. 


They're baaaack!  My favorite family of stuffed shirt Brits and their servants returned to PBS Sunday night.  I could tell you what I thought about the episode, or you could just go read what Heather wrote over at Mama Knows, Honey Child. 
Best. Recap. Ever. 


So many good reads this week!  I thought I would share a few of my favorites with you.  I'm nice like that.
My friend Haley over at Carrots for Michaelmas wrote an awesome piece this week:

And so did her husband, Daniel:

Dwija at House Unseen always seems to say what I need to hear, and this week she got me again:

And then there's this bit of fun:  35 Foods From Your Childhood That Are Extinct Now
Read it if you want to be reminded of all the junk that was around when us late-80's babies were young. (PS I could totally go for a Clearly Canadian right now.  It would wash down my French fries with purple ketchup SO nicely.)

Read anything this week that you think I should see?  Leave a link in the comments!

Cheesin' it up after waaay too much frosting.
Finally, I leave you with a few gems from Olivia.  I tell you what, this kid is something else.

"Step aside!  Step aside!" - Her new favorite way to maneuver through a room.

"Hey, what's wrong Mommy?  You tired or somethin'?" - After keeping me up all night.  Its a good thing she's cute.

"DANIEL!  Daniel, wait!  Come back! I need ya help!" - To her Daddy, whenever he leaves the room.  I have no idea where she heard that.

"Shhh!  Pianissimo!" - When told to be quiet.
"FORTISSIMO!  I'M LOUD!" - When playing her instruments.

*NOTE* Remember when I said I was going to do something fun when my Facebook Page got over 100 likes?  Well, the count is now 107!  Check back on Monday to see what's up my sleeve (trust me - you'll want to know!)  Have a great weekend, everyone!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Thoughts on My Youngest Daughter's First Birthday

     I can't believe it has been one whole year (where does the time go?) since Rosemary came into this world, all tiny and squishy and beautiful.  She was my "pleasant surprise" child, having been conceived just 11 months after her big sister was born.  I was so scared, yet so excited at the thought of bringing another life into our family.  When I found out I was expecting another girl, I started to fantasize about how beautiful she would be and how lucky Olivia was to have a little sister.  Having two little sisters of my own, I knew that they were destined to have an incredible bond.  Preparing for her birth was truly an amazing experience.
     However, I don't think I anticipated how my life would change once she entered the picture.  Rosie came to me in a moment of great change in our family's journey.  Her birth rang in a year that would challenge me as a wife and mother, and had me questioning my part and place in everything that was happening around me.
 Now, on the first anniversary of her birth, I celebrate her as a source of many graces. 
When she looks up at me and smiles for no reason other than pure love and happiness, I am reminded that this life is AWESOME and we should all try to live with the same joy and wonder I see in her eyes every day. 
I see her give big, sloppy kisses to her baby dolls, and I realize that she is learning how to love and treat others from me, and I should always try to give out more hugs and kisses around the house than frustrated looks and impatient words. 
 Every day, I witness her hard at work figuring out how her toys work or trying to get the lid off the trashcan (although, I wish she would just leave that yucky trash alone!)  Watching her inspires me to persevere in all my own endeavors.  She doesn't give up, and neither should I.
Sometimes she walks in circles in the living room, clapping her hands and laughing at herself, and I laugh along with her.  Life has its fun and silly moments, and not everything (myself included) needs to be taken so seriously all the time.
Those moments she takes my hand or latches on to my leg to steady herself, I remember that we all need to reach out for help sometimes.  Sometimes I feel as if I am unbalanced or about to fall, but that doesn't mean there isn't anyone there to help me along the way.
At night, when she is asleep in her bed, I see on her face a look of peace that comes from a feeling of being completely safe and protected.  I am reminded of the peace, offered to me by God, that cannot be taken away from me by anything as long as I accept it and trust Him, even when I seem to be failing or coming up short.  
Being a mother is a tall order.  In fact, it's the hardest thing I've ever done.  In raising Rosemary and her big sister, I have been challenged mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically in ways I never thought possible.  And there have been days in this last (her first) year of life that I don't feel I've risen to the challenge.  I've failed.  My mind and body was present for them, but at times my heart was elsewhere.  I've felt overwhelmed.  I've let the events of my adult life affect my actions as a mother. 
For all these things, I am sorry.  And I ask for my children's forgiveness.
Sometimes parenthood is frustrating.  I want nothing more than to be the perfect mother for my girls, but I know that there is only one perfect mother.  So, I ask Our Lady to guide me.  I pray for the ability to stop seeing my role as mother through the selfish lens of "job" or "task," and recognize that I have been blessed with precious treasures.  My children were given to me as a means to see God more clearly.
My little Rosemary, you are my darling girl.  I love you very much, more than you will ever know and in ways that this simple post could ever express.
You truly are a most precious gift. 



Monday, January 6, 2014

Joining Up With Bloglovin!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Hey, everyone!  Just dropping a quick note to let you know that you can now follow me (along with lots of other awesome-sauce blogs) on Bloglovin!  Just search for me and add me to your list to make sure you don't miss any of my riveting, totally genius posts. ;)

Have a wonderful week!

Sleep is Silly, Mom! (#RealMotherhood 2014, Take One)

Linking up today with Mandi at Messy Wife, Blessed Life to share what "Real Motherhood" looks like in my little neck o' the woods.  I'll be joining in every first Monday of the month - you should, too!

I've never been in the "Mondays Suck" camp.  I have always held the belief that all days of the week are equally capable of mega-big-time suckage.  I've had some pretty rough Fridays, and don't even get me STAHTED on some of our previous Saturdays.

Today, however...

Monday - 1.  Neely - 0.

Tired eyes, people.  And coffee in a Spider-Man mug.  Because I'm mature like that.
Let me begin this by stating that our girls have been sleeping BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL-EE the last couple of weeks.  They got into an awesome routine, were much easier to put down, weren't waking up in the middle of the night (weaned Rosie off that 3AM bottle - HUZZAH!)  So, we were confident going into bedtime last night that things would be no different.  Hubs and I were all like, "WHOO HOO" and thought that his first day back to teaching/taking classes today would be a breeze.  Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

The children had other ideas.

I stayed up way too late and didn't let me head hit the pillow until midnight.  BIG mistake.  2:30 rolled around, and I found myself wide awake with a toddler's nose inches from my face, quietly saying "Mommy!  Les watch cartooms?"  Too which I lovingly replied, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"

Fast forward to, oh, around 4am.  I'm still awake.  Olivia is still going strong, and Rosie has decided that all this fun just CANNOT be missed for anything as silly as sleep.  Thankfully, she goes back down around 5am.  Hubs wakes up around 6:30, shower, eat, ready to head out the door...

No keys.  Like, nowhere to be found.  This has happened before, and it's usually the work of an evil mastermind  a certain adorable toddler.

SO, Hubs takes the van leaving us girls stranded for the day, but I'm pretty sure we have enough milk to make it until this evening, and WHY ON EARTH would anyone want to go traipsing around in this cold weather on two hours of sleep, anyways??  I mean, really.

Insane laundry pile that will mostly get shifted to the floor at bedtime instead of dealt with cuz, ya know, my brain isn't even working at "laundry level" right now.  Keepin' it real, here, peeps.
We all ended up taking a good 2ish hour nap, which helped a lot.  But, I am still tired.  I think I'm on my fifth cup of coffee, which is a lot for me since I usually survive on none. (Wait, maybe I've had five?  I'm not sure.  Is it hot in here to you?  Why are my eyeballs shaking??)  Tired or not, though, I still have to be Mommy.  There are still two adorable (pants-less) little girls that need fed, changed, loved, and nurtured today. 

We've decided today is "No Pants Monday."  The kids don't seem to mind.
This is my job and I LOVE it, even on the days when I can't remember my name by 8pm and something smells...
 and I'm preeeeetty sure it's me. 


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Crock-Pot Mac 'n' Cheese (Christmastide's Final Fatbomb)

Happy 2014, everyone!  Time to eat right, exercise, and make ourselves better than we were last year...

                                                             but not juuuuuust yet.

See, I'm still smack dab in the throes of Christmastide (shut up, I know it ends tomorrow - WAH!) so I've decided we're still in vacation/EAT ALL THE THINGS mode.

Plus, I somehow ended up with a whole lot of leftover cheese from Christmas recipes, including a block of good ol'e Velveeta. Yes, I know it's not really cheese.  No... no, I don't really care.  It's delicious.  But all I know how to make with it is queso (darn GOOD queso, but that's for another day) so I decided to scan the internet for something easy and cheesy to make, preferably a recipe that utilizes my all-time favorite kitchen appliance: le Crock de la Pot.

Recipes are more like GUIDLINES to me than actual rules, but mostly the inspiration came from here.  I just added the stuff I know my family likes.  Feel free to do the same!

Whatcha Need:

16 oz box of noodles (I used shells, you can use whatever you prefer!)
1 lb Velveeta, cubed
1/2 - 2 cups cheddar cheese, shredded (again, any kinda cheese you like, but I had this on hand)
1 1/2 - 2 cups milk
salt, pepper, mustard powder, garlic powder, dash of hot sauce (really, whatever you prefer)
non-stick spray

Whatcha Do:

Cook the noodles about halfway (they keep cooking in the Crock).  Spray your slow-cooker, put half the noodles in the bottom of the crock, then layer on half the cheese.  Repeat.  Mix all your seasoning into your milk - I would start with 1 1/2 cups and then add more later if you think your mac is too thick.  Pour milk over noodles and cheese, then cook on LOW for about 3 hours.  If you like the crispy cheese edges of baked mac 'n' cheese, then try not to stir it to much.  The noodles up against the edges will get OH so yummy!

We're mega-fatties, so I didn't even bother to get a pic until Hubs and I had plowed through over half of the shells and cheese.  Whoopsie!

This is what it does to babies.  It basically does the same thing to adults, but Hubs and I don't look nearly as cute whilst in a food coma.
Oh, people.  It was cheesy.  It was decadent.  It took at least a year off my life (pretty sure.)  Tomorrow, I'm eating nothing but vegetables, I swear.

What am I saying?  I deserved it!  Hubs and I got some kind of strange motivation and decided to clean/organize the main areas in the house as well as his office.  Tomorrow is laundry and bathrooms.  Then it's back to work for Hubs on Monday, and back to a regular routine for the girls' and me.  Starting off with a clean house will make the transition back to "real life" a little easier.

For real though, I need to go lie down.  The cheese is starting to take it's toll...

Friday, January 3, 2014

7 Quick Takes, No. 1: That Time We Spent Christmas On the Beach

 7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes about galleys, daily logs, resolutions, and words for *last* year
Okay, peeps.  First "Quick Takes" from yours truly.  I could tell you what's been goin' on around these parts, but since Hubs is still home on Christmas break, it's really just a lot of pajama-wearing, dirty dishes, snuggling, staying up late, and being a family of dirty hermits.  PS Can I just say how fun it is that Hubs works at a University?  We still get breaks like we were in college!  Except now, we have two small children and are finding it really hard to justify eating Taco Bell for every meal, but whatevs. 
SOOOO, instead of all that mess, I thought I'd share some pics and revelations from Christmas week, which I have dubbed the "HUFFMAN THOMPSON BEACH CHRISTMAS SAND AND FISH EATING EXTRAVAGAAAANZA!"  Totes cray.  Enjoy.
Since both grandpas fancy themselves amateur photogs and there are literally no pictures of the four of us in existence and Rosie is about to turn ONE (ohmygosh, no STAHP GROWING) and I couldn't live with myself if I let a whole year go by without taking a family pic -- behold, the results.  Ok, so there was like, ONE, that wasn't terrible, but the rest were just flippin' hilarious (look at my face here - what is happening that I need to look like that?!)  Olivia just wanted to throw sand and Rosie snarled and I realize now that leggings are not my friend.  Just... wow.
For real, though.  This is all she wanted to do for a whole week.  Like, live in the sand and water and become a "mermabe."  Do all kids do this?  Aren't some kids afraid of the water and stuff?  I have some serious water babies on my hands.  Ridiculously CUTE water babies, that wear sunglasses directly above their eyes, but not over them.  LIKE A BOSS.
Look at those cuties in their matching Christmas jammies, playing nicely with their new glockenspiel... Fast forward two minutes and you'd see Rosie grabbing the mallet out of her sister's hand, leading to a mucho meltdown by Olivia and eventual "putting up in the closet" of poor Mr. Glockenspiel.  Not that it mattered, as there were HEAPS of toys for them to fight over play with.  These are two of the most loved children in the history of the world. 
^^ 'Nuff said.
Oh, goodness - how I missed my mother!  She is kind, loving, a little wacky, full of wisdom, and all those other nice things.  She lives way up in the land of snow and wind, so our visits are few and far between.  I'm a sad panda when she's not around.
I just, I can't... WAAAAHHH! *fits of sobbing*
Here's the whole gang on the boardwalk outside the lovely house we rented on Saint George Island.  Daniel's parents drove all the way from Oklahoma, and mine came all the way from Chicago with my little sisters in tow.  To spend Christmas with us and our littles.  How awesome is that?  This has been a hard year for me.  Our family is super important to me, and moving so far away from everyone has really done a number on my emotions.  However, I've learned that distance doesn't divide or diminish, it strengthens and confirms.  I *knew* we were blessed, loved, and supported before, but now I really feel it.  Our family does everything they can do help and support us on our adventures, and there's not a day goes by that I don't thank God for every single one of them.
Happy New Year, everyone!  Have a fantastical, awesome, rockin' weekend!
More Quick Takes and other awesomeness found at: