Sunday, January 12, 2014

Souper Saturday: Easy Cheesy Taco Soup

Well, it was inevitable.  The plague has cursed the Thompson Manor.
Ok, so maybe its just a cold.
And maybe I'm the only one who has been stricken with said cold.
Really though, ya'll.  My poor, poor family.  Mama is not a good sick person.  I've spent the majority of the day planted on the couch, drinking iced tea and covered in dirty Kleenex (and trying to keep a certain one-year-old from eating the yucky Kleenex,) all while feeling fantastically sorry for myself.  Pity party for one?  Your couch is ready.
The one thing I did manage to do was drag my lifeless body into the kitchen and make dinner for my family.  They're always bothering me, that family.  Something about needing three meals a day.  Ugh.
This recipe is easy.  Like, too easy.  I actually shouldn't even tell you, because once you see how simple it really is, you'll stop thinking, "Oh, that poor, devoted wife and mother - slaving over a hot stove while sick to feed her family.  What love!  What selflessness!" 
Oh, you weren't thinking that at all?  Well, alrighty then.  Moving right along.

Easy Cheesy Taco Soup

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Cheesy, yummy bowl of deliciousness.

This stuff is good.  Like, SO good.  And the awesome part is you can top it with whatever you like on your tacos - avocado, back olives, fresh tomato, more cheese - the possibilities and flavor combos are endless!  We're still trying to keep it low-carb around here, so we omitted our usual crushed tortilla chips, but the shredded lettuce added that bit of "crunch" while the green onions were just extra yum sprinkled on top of what was already a bowl of steaming awesome.  I made this on the stovetop and it was ready in a flash, but you could also brown the meat, dump all this is a slow-cooker, and let it go for around 4-6 hours on low.  Easy recipes that can be made easier?  Winning!
I'm off to continue my intense wallowing while watching the Golden Globes.  I know I promised to share the flax seed meal pizza crust recipe with you guys, but I just don't have it in me tonight.  I promise it is coming soon!  OH, and Monday I get to share my exciting, fun, thanks-for-all-the-support surprise!  Don't miss it! :)

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