Monday, January 6, 2014

Sleep is Silly, Mom! (#RealMotherhood 2014, Take One)

Linking up today with Mandi at Messy Wife, Blessed Life to share what "Real Motherhood" looks like in my little neck o' the woods.  I'll be joining in every first Monday of the month - you should, too!

I've never been in the "Mondays Suck" camp.  I have always held the belief that all days of the week are equally capable of mega-big-time suckage.  I've had some pretty rough Fridays, and don't even get me STAHTED on some of our previous Saturdays.

Today, however...

Monday - 1.  Neely - 0.

Tired eyes, people.  And coffee in a Spider-Man mug.  Because I'm mature like that.
Let me begin this by stating that our girls have been sleeping BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL-EE the last couple of weeks.  They got into an awesome routine, were much easier to put down, weren't waking up in the middle of the night (weaned Rosie off that 3AM bottle - HUZZAH!)  So, we were confident going into bedtime last night that things would be no different.  Hubs and I were all like, "WHOO HOO" and thought that his first day back to teaching/taking classes today would be a breeze.  Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

The children had other ideas.

I stayed up way too late and didn't let me head hit the pillow until midnight.  BIG mistake.  2:30 rolled around, and I found myself wide awake with a toddler's nose inches from my face, quietly saying "Mommy!  Les watch cartooms?"  Too which I lovingly replied, "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"

Fast forward to, oh, around 4am.  I'm still awake.  Olivia is still going strong, and Rosie has decided that all this fun just CANNOT be missed for anything as silly as sleep.  Thankfully, she goes back down around 5am.  Hubs wakes up around 6:30, shower, eat, ready to head out the door...

No keys.  Like, nowhere to be found.  This has happened before, and it's usually the work of an evil mastermind  a certain adorable toddler.

SO, Hubs takes the van leaving us girls stranded for the day, but I'm pretty sure we have enough milk to make it until this evening, and WHY ON EARTH would anyone want to go traipsing around in this cold weather on two hours of sleep, anyways??  I mean, really.

Insane laundry pile that will mostly get shifted to the floor at bedtime instead of dealt with cuz, ya know, my brain isn't even working at "laundry level" right now.  Keepin' it real, here, peeps.
We all ended up taking a good 2ish hour nap, which helped a lot.  But, I am still tired.  I think I'm on my fifth cup of coffee, which is a lot for me since I usually survive on none. (Wait, maybe I've had five?  I'm not sure.  Is it hot in here to you?  Why are my eyeballs shaking??)  Tired or not, though, I still have to be Mommy.  There are still two adorable (pants-less) little girls that need fed, changed, loved, and nurtured today. 

We've decided today is "No Pants Monday."  The kids don't seem to mind.
This is my job and I LOVE it, even on the days when I can't remember my name by 8pm and something smells...
 and I'm preeeeetty sure it's me. 



  1. If it's not you smelling, it's probably me. Showers? What showers? Showers are for the weak...
    (thanks for linking up :)

  2. It's Diaper-Only every day of the week for us. Seriously. I just can't get myself out of the house EVER with my toddler and if we aren't leaving the house, clothes is completely optional...and I'm not talking about just the toddler. Undergarments are 100% required though.

    1. The "No Pants" decree extends to all housebound adults here, as well. ;) I know what you mean about never being able to get out the door - I am entirely too lazy/tired for that most days. E'erybody stay in your jammies up in hee-urrr! Thanks for hosting the link-up with Sarah! :)

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